Do you yearn for more flow and ease?

The Master's Way

You hold the keys to a more self-directed, creative, and joyful life within.

The Master's Way takes you on an inner journey of self-mastery and self-empowerment.  

The Path of Light is the first part of the Threefold Path. Join this 12 month program and connect with the manifestation power of your light.

Discover a New Way of Living and Being

The Masters' Way is a profound spiritual course that teaches you how to master your life


This course introduces you to your spiritual self and helps you to understand your energetic being -  how to work with the 12 chakras, the Universal matrix, your soul, your monad, the light body, karma, the Universal Laws, light rays of energy, and much more. 

While the healings and activation offer exceptional high-frequency wisdom and teachings which opens you up to a new understanding of who you are, the course is also very practical and asks you to take the teachings and use them in your day-to-day life to truly manifest your light on earth.

It teaches you how to master your life and become self empowered through the knowledge, wisdom and mystery of the Universe.

You will learn to resolve your self-limiting beliefs on a deep level. So that you can come into manifesting your highest potential, receive Higher Guidance and create the life your soul intended. 

The Master's Way Course is broken down into three levels, each taking approximately a year to complete: Path of Light, Path of Love, Path of Mystery.

In the Path of Light we will be healing and illuminating our masculine consciousness, the way we use our light to manifest our lives.

In the Path of Love we will be healing and aligning to our feminine consciousness, the way we are able to receive from the realms of infinite creative abundance and accept all that we are.

In the Path of Mystery we will be merging these two flames into the Threefold Flame of our Divine essence. Learning how to allow the mystery of our lives unfolding, and understanding that we are an ever expanding expression of Divine creation.

Path of Light - Get on the Waiting List

The next school will start in June 2025. If you want to be informed when registration opens, you can join the waiting list now.
Date and times are CET/ Amsterdam time. All lessons will be online and can be accessed from different parts of the world. 

 June 2025

To be confirmed

Path of Mystery - Registration is closed

To register for the Path of Mystery  you must have completed the Path of Light and the Path of Love..

 01 September 2024

8 - 11 am CET (Amsterdam time)

Path of Light

The power of Choice

This first level is the Path of Light, which shows you how to work with your Divine Light - the creative energy of the Universe -  and focus this pure light power to manifest and create the life your soul wishes to live.

You will activate the power of your light - awakening and enlightening your energy bodies and your light body. You will learn how to flow along the river of light and access supportive and connective energy from source.

This will include healing all parts of you that are in separation to the light. You will understand better how you are creating your reality in every moment and develop the knowledge and awareness to make different choices.

As you learn to become the master observer you are taught how to work with your energy to bring what is sitting in incoherent resonance (separation and limitation) within your field into coherent (harmonised and balanced) light frequency, as you do this, you start to think, feel, behave and create in alignment to your Higher potential.

This happens through high-frequency activations and many, many tools that we will practice throughout the course and apply in day-to-day life.

You will need to complete the Path of Light before moving on to Path of Love and Path of Mystery.

The impact is profound

The course will give you the knowledge, confidence and the tools to truly empower yourself in all areas of your life.

  • Release fear, doubts and limiting beliefs through coming into your heart
  • Heal resistance to the light within you and connect to higher knowledge
  • Improve the relationship with yourself and others
  • Stop patterns of self-sabotage and victim-consciousness
  •  Receive guidance more easily and follow it with clarity and certainty
  • Become the Observer and make more empowering conscious choices

How it works & What you will receive

The journey into Self-Mastery  is a journey no one can do for you. However, there is plenty of support and guidance available along the way. 

Course Structure

The duration of the course 12 month.

We will then meet once a week online (Zoom) for 2.5 to 3 hours. Times will be agreed on with all participants at the beginning of the course.

Each session includes a meditation, wisdom teachings, sharing time and a channeled activation from the Ascended Masters.

All sessions are recorded. If one time you miss a session you can listen to it later at your convenience.

Plus you will receive access to all the audio files (via dropbox) so you can listen or re-listen to just the activation at your leisure. 
Your manual also includes written transcripts of all activations.

Through 30 lessons and audio activations, you will learn how to connect with your spiritual self and expand your consciousness.

The activations are done in a particular order to connect you more with the power of your light, step by step with time to integrate what is happening for you.

Additional Guidance

A welcome letter from Ishtar with the channeled names of the 3 Ascended Masters who will guide and support you. 

2 Personal Spiritual Counseling Sessions with Guru Deva

Buddy System: You will be assigned one of the participants to be your buddy. This will be your chance to work with a loving mirror who supports you,  inspires you, helps you to better understand your challenges and your gifts - and holds you accountable to your own commitment.

3 Healing Rays Sessions as extra support (optional)

Although not compulsory, It is highly recommended students receive 3 Universal Ray healings during each level to support their consciousness to open and expand and integrate the energy work of the course.

This profound healing therapy assists you to transform your consciousness in all areas of your life, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

It’s healing system works with your subtle energy bodies and chakras where you house your subconscious and unconscious, thought forms and beliefs.

You have the option to book the course with or without these 3 sessions

Private Signal Group

This will be where those taking the course can ask each other questions, share their stories, offer support, discuss the teaching,

Study Materials & Manual

300 + page manual with recordings of the lessons.

All lessons are also supplied as an MP3 audio file via a Dropbox link for you to listen to PLUS many extra meditations to assist and support you.

21 Chapters filled with practical information and tools about Energy, Souls and Monads, The Light Body, Aspects, Karma, Chakras, Sensory Gifts, Universal Rays, Universal Laws, Basic Energy Work, Psychic Protection, Clearing Space, Crystals, Vibrational Essences, Light Technology, Ascended Master Tools, Decrees, and Affirmations.

set of channeled chakra cards

Student workbook packed with inspirations, practices and exercises to fully integrate the work

The Way Forward on the Path of Mastery

The Masters’ Way three levels are: Path of Light, Path of Love, Path of Mystery. Each level takes about 12 months to complete and is filled with high frequency teachings, activations, healings and tools that support you in your day-to-day life to be all that you can be. 

You can do Level 1 or all three.   

The Second level, Path of love is a deep and profound journey into the heart of you. And shows you how to work with the Divine love of your feminine consciousness. The path of love opens you to the energy of creation that is in abundance all around you.

You learn how to love and embrace all that you are, honouring, acknowledging and accepting both your shadow and light. It is the path, which opens you to seeing and receiving from the limitlessness opportunities and possibilities within life it self

The third level, Path of Mystery supports you to open more deeply to your unique gifts. Only when you have resolved sufficient unbalanced energy within your divine masculine. And your divine feminine consciousness, can you truly come into the mastery of your souls gifts. And ground the power of creation through the divine light and love that you are, into your life.

The Path of Mystery is the path of surrender, yet it is also the path of power — for when you walk this path you fully surrender to the power of the Divine within. 

Investment per Level

A non-refundable 500 Euro deposit is due upon registration. The balance can be paid in  3 instalments. Other payment plans are available. Please contact me to discuss. The Master's Way is a non-refundable course.




with healing rays


